Log-normal Distribution - A simple explanation

<h1>About</h1> <p>We will briefly look at the definition of the log-normal and then go onto calculate the distribution&rsquo;s parameters &mu; and &sigma; from simple data. We will then have a look at how to calculate the mean, mode, median and variance from this probability distribution.</p> <h1>Informal Definition</h1> <p>The log-normal distribution is a right skewed continuous probability distribution, meaning it has a long tail towards the right. It is used for modelling various natural phenomena such as income distributions, the length of chess games or the time to repair a maintainable system and more.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/log-normal-distribution-a-simple-explanation-7605864fb67c"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>