I Researched 3 Locations of Alexander’s Lost Tomb, Here’s My Pick

<p>Nothing excites me more than a good mystery, and Alexander the Great&rsquo;s lost tomb is high on the list of the most exciting (sometimes infuriating!) historical puzzles.</p> <p>Luckily, I have researched many locations over many years. Here are three of the most intriguing options to drag you into a few sleepless nights with me.</p> <p>In short &mdash; I believe his body is buried beneath the Shallalat Gardens in Alexandria (get your shovel!), but let&rsquo;s explore some of the possibilities.</p> <p>Keep in mind the rather elaborate pathway his funerary procession took over two thousand years ago:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/teatime-history/i-researched-3-locations-of-alexanders-lost-tomb-this-one-s-my-pick-5b075191282f"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>