Run AWS on Your Laptop. Introduction to LocalStack.

<h2>What is LocalStack</h2> <p>LocalStack is a cloud service emulator that runs AWS services solely on your laptop without connecting to a remote cloud provider .</p> <p>How can it help us as a developer?</p> <p>Whether you are,</p> <ol> <li>A beginner who is looking to practice your AWS skills but don&rsquo;t have access to credit card which is required upon AWS registration.</li> <li>A student, who wants to gain hands-on experience with AWS services without spending any money.</li> <li>A professional who wants to troubleshoot or test your infrastructure configurations offline on your machine, without setting up a separate cloud environment for testing, and then seamlessly transition to your main AWS production environment once everything is ready and optimized,</li> </ol> <p>then LocalStack has got you covered. Because the last thing you want to do is set up an AWS environment to improve your skills, only to accidentally shoot yourself in the foot with a ridiculous amount of money because you didn&rsquo;t know about cost plans or didn&rsquo;t setup budget alerts.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: LocalStack AWS