This is how the City of Vancouver is failing local businesses

<p>There is no question that small local businesses are vital to our city. They are key employers, breed entrepreneurs, are more likely to buy local, provide necessary local services, add character and culture to a neighbourhood among many more benefits. The abundance of small businesses in a neighbourhood or city demonstrates a healthy&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&ldquo;fine-grain&rdquo; economy</a>. A &ldquo;fine-grain&rdquo; economy can be beneficial due to its large diversity of business ownership that creates a more resilient city not at the mercy of a few corporations. Yet, the City of Vancouver has not fully recognized the importance of small businesses in our city. The retail plight we are now observing is in part caused by the City&rsquo;s lack of coordinated support systems and internal champions for small businesses; thereby, letting this vital part of our economy fall through the cracks of the bureaucracy.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>