Fear and Loathing in London
<p>I have really cut back on my intake of social media over the last couple of weeks, since the massacre of Jews by Hamas in Israel.</p>
<p>I know there’s a context in which this happened. I am not blind to it. I would love for different people to live peaceably together but there is so much hate and anger, which as just been compounded a thousand-fold, that I fear that is an aspiration rather than a possibility.</p>
<p>I am naive and openly claim that. I have grown up, very much on one ‘side’ if we can narrow it down to the base levels. But it’s hard to see so much anger aimed at Jews and not feel trepidation. I am, primarily, fearful for my friends and family in Israel. They have each other, but they also live in immediate threat.</p>
<p><a href="https://vic15.medium.com/fear-and-loathing-in-london-b35138140ca5"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>