Kubernetes LoadBalancer service for On-Premises

<h1>Introduction</h1> <p>When it comes to exposing your Kubernetes service to external clients, you have various options to choose from. Two commonly used methods are&nbsp;<code>NodePort</code>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<code>LoadBalancer</code>. In this article, we will delve into the differences between these two approaches and understand when each one is suitable for your specific needs.</p> <p>The subsequent section of this article is designed to guide you through the installation of&nbsp;<code>MetalLB</code>&nbsp;on Kubernetes, providing you with a method to define Virtual IPs.</p> <h1>NodePort VS LoadBalancer Service</h1> <p>There are various ways to expose your Kubernetes service to external clients. One option is to use&nbsp;<code>NodePort</code>, which assigns a port between&nbsp;<code>30000</code>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<code>32767</code>&nbsp;on all your worker nodes. However, it has limitations. You need to handle load balancing yourself, and if one of your worker nodes goes down, you must be aware of it and avoid sending requests to it until it comes back up.</p> <p><a href="https://itnext.io/kubernetes-loadbalancer-service-for-on-premises-6b7f75187be8"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>