The Intuition Behind the Power of Two Random Choices

<p>In dynamic resource allocations and load balancing, one of the most well-known and fascinating algorithms is the so-called &ldquo;power of two random choices,&rdquo; which proposes a very simple change to the random allocations that yields exponential improvement. I was lucky enough to have implemented this very technique on a gigantic scale to improve the resource utilization of AWS Lambda, and yet I struggled to &ldquo;feel&rdquo; it intuitively for a long time.</p> <p>In this article, I&rsquo;d like to share my mental model for understanding this algorithm which also helps build a good intuition for many other advanced techniques in this area.</p> <p><strong>Update:</strong>&nbsp;I have a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">follow-up article</a>&nbsp;on a very cool optimization to this technique. Also, in addition to these articles, I&rsquo;ve started writing short form content&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">on twitter</a>&nbsp;for a faster feedback loop. Follow if you&rsquo;d like to keep up.</p> <h1>What is Load Balancing?</h1> <p>Let&rsquo;s say you run a large-scale AI bot service like ChatGPT. You have thousands of servers with expensive GPUs generating text based on user prompts. Now if your algorithm was routing about 80% of incoming requests to only 20% of servers, that 20% of servers would be quite busy, and the requests hitting those servers will likely have to wait for quite some time to see a GPU. On the other hand, 80% of cold servers are poorly utilized and waste many precious GPU hours. This is what we call bad load balancing.</p> <p>On the other hand, if all your servers are roughly taking equal load, you are answering your requests in near-optimal time and not overpaying for resources. Moreover, you can easily &ldquo;right size&rdquo; your fleet &mdash; expand it to improve response time or contract it to reduce cost.</p> <h1>Power of Two Random Choices</h1> <p>There&rsquo;s a simplified model to think about load balancing. You have an infinite stream of balls (representing requests) and N bins (representing servers). Your job is to assign each incoming ball to a bin such that you keep the allocations across all bins as equal as possible. A real-world problem is much more complex than this, but this simplification will do for now.</p> <p>One of the easiest strategies for balls-in-bins is to pick a bin and place the ball in it randomly. If we use uniform random picks, all outcomes are equally likely for every pick, so we&rsquo;d expect all bins to be roughly equally filled.</p> <p>The other approach &mdash; you pick two random bins instead of one and place the ball in the emptier one. This is the so-called &ldquo;power of two random choices&rdquo; approach &mdash; we&rsquo;ll call it &ldquo;best of two&rdquo; for short.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s run a simulation placing one million balls into 1,000 bins with both of these approaches &mdash; the best case for the end state being 1,000 balls in every bin. As per the histograms of bins below, the difference is quite dramatic.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>