Living in Bangkok — an experience in privilege

<p>A year ago we moved to Bangkok after a long time in the US (16 years for me, 27 years for my wife and their entire lives for my kids). It wasn&rsquo;t a planned move. Unlike most folks who plan meticulously to experience living abroad as expats, we did things like we do big things &mdash; on a whim.</p> <p>In the past year, I have interviewed close to 300 candidates for Agoda. I get asked this question by almost every single candidate &mdash; why did you move from the US to Thailand? How did you make such a massive decision of uprooting a settled, and by all measures, a happy lifestyle? When I tell them we made the decision in a few seconds, it is not easy to believe. But we make big decisions quickly &mdash; buying a house, having kids, moving to a new continent &mdash; instant decisions. Buying an air purifier on Amazon &mdash; we take weeks. Just how we do things. So this is a status report on how that decision has turned out so far.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Living Bangkok