October 2023: Live More with Less

<p>The trick to decluttering is to divide and conquer. Attack the mess room by room, drawer by drawer. Start by arming yourself with containers designated for trash, recycling, put away, fix/mend, and donate. Take these with you as you travel through your home. Start in the bathroom. You know that drawer that&rsquo;s so stuffed with hairdryers and old brushes that it no longer opens? Tackle that first. Then, move onto the medicine cabinet and so on. In the bedroom, focus on creating clear surface areas to give you that restful, sanctuary-like vibe. And while you may be tempted to empty all your drawers and closets into a big pile on the bed, don&rsquo;t. Chances are you&rsquo;ll run out of time and end up stuffing it all back in. Pull clothing by type so you can see what you own and decide whether you really need that fifth pair of dark-indigo-wash, ankle-length skinny jeans.</p> <p><a href="https://gsewtz.medium.com/october-2023-live-more-with-less-4386de51c510"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Live More