So Much To Do, So Little Time!

<p>As I wander through my days now that I&rsquo;ve been retired for a couple of years, I often ask myself when I ever found time to work 40+ hours every week. Yet, somehow I did. And I did that for decades and decades.</p> <p>But how?</p> <p>When I look back, I realize that I made all those decades of working work because I cut corners on just about everything else.</p> <p>For instance, I routinely only slept five to six hours a night. I&rsquo;d sleep in and take naps on the weekends to try to catch up. But it was a losing game. I ran on caffeine and sheer willpower for most of my career.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Little Time