Amazing Lisbon’s neighborhoods that aren’t in your travel guides

<p>If you have been in Lisbon, it is likely that you have seen the Assembleia da Rep&uacute;blica (Portugal&rsquo;s chamber of Congress) or the Bas&iacute;lica da Estrela. Well, not that far from those places, there is a little neighborhood that has survived the last waves of tourism. It&rsquo;s called&nbsp;<em>Madragoa</em>, and it&rsquo;s one of the most authentic and beautiful places in Lisbon!</p> <p>Jos&eacute; Saramago, a portuguese writer and Nobel prize winner, lived in Madragoa. About it, he wrote: &ldquo;in one of the hillsides of Lapa, it&rsquo;s Madragoa, named that way after the people of the sea (or &ldquo;mar&rdquo;, in portuguese) came to live here after the XVI century&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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