Little pieces of my mind

<p>A couple of my writings. (The ones I feel encouraged enough to share)</p> <h1>1 Treasure</h1> <p><em>How much ache&nbsp;</em>should I go through in order to get over the overwhelming burden of empty crypts in this heart of mine?</p> <p><em>How many times&nbsp;</em>must I look away from the mirror before I finally learn to despise the idea of insecurities?</p> <p><em>How long&nbsp;</em>until it&rsquo;s enough or the right age to stop apologizing for who I am, to unlearn everything I&rsquo;ve ever known about myself?</p> <p><em>How much further</em>&nbsp;must I walk with my open wounds to know a door where I find myself welcoming me in open arms?</p> <p>Is this bloodshed&nbsp;<em>enough</em>? Is the sweat pungent&nbsp;<em>enough</em>?</p> <p>The answer, my friend, is probably not blowing in the wind. I&rsquo;m probably chasing after an El-Dorado and&nbsp;<em>I keep running back to me</em>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Little pieces