How does literature shape or reflect society?

<p>Literature has been an essential aspect of human culture for millennia. Through storytelling, poetry, drama, and various other forms, literature has the power to shape and reflect society in profound ways. It serves as a mirror, reflecting the beliefs, values, and concerns of a particular time and place, while also playing an influential role in molding individual and collective identities. Let us delve deeper into how literature shapes and reflects society:</p> <p>1. Reflecting Society<br /> One of literature&rsquo;s fundamental functions is to mirror the world in which it is created. Writers draw inspiration from the people, events, and issues around them, and their works become snapshots of a specific historical moment or societal context. For example, the works of Charles Dickens, such as &ldquo;Oliver Twist&rdquo; and &ldquo;A Tale of Two Cities,&rdquo; offer vivid depictions of the harsh realities of the Industrial Revolution and the social injustices prevalent during his time. Similarly, George Orwell&rsquo;s &ldquo;1984&rdquo; reflects his concerns about totalitarianism and the erosion of individual freedoms in the mid-20th century.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>