Linguistic stylistics and Literary stylistics: The Difference

<p>Linguistic stylistics is an area of stylistics that is concerned with the analysis of the use of language as well as the context in which language is used. In simpler terms, linguistic stylistics looks at how people make use of language, and the existing context that dictates how people use language. Now take for example; A sixteen year old boy will most likely talk to an elderly person with respect and modesty. A formal tone can easily be deduced from the teenagers use of language and a carefully thought out selection of words will most likely be employed. On the other hand, if the same teenager is in a conversation with someone around their age, especially a friend of theirs, they are most likely to use very informal lexical items as well as some harmless derogatory expressions. Basically, a teenager&#39;s conversation with someone around their age will differ from their conversation with a person who is more advanced in age.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>