My 5-Minute-Old Town Lisbon script that made me thousands as a tour guide.

<p>Lisbon is simply divided by 3 main areas you as a tourist must go (we&rsquo;ll talk about the other two in the future)</p> <p>The first one is the &ldquo;Old town&rdquo;,</p> <p>The old town is basically the 4 oldest neighborhoods Alfama, Gra&ccedil;a, Mouraria and the Castle one, a common mistake is thinking the entire area is called Alfama, but actually it&rsquo;s just a portion of it.</p> <p>What you &ldquo;have&rdquo; to see in the old part of the town, normally starts at the bottom of the hill close to the city center with the first two most important churches,</p> <p>Lisbon Cathedral (Catedral da S&eacute;), and Church of Saint Anthony,</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: town Lisbon