Reflecting on My Lisbon Loves

<p><strong>My very first day in Lisbon, I went to the Green Caf&eacute; and asked if I could sit outside and just have a coffee. I was greeted by the owner who responded cheerfully to my super emotional and extremely tired self, &ldquo;&Oacute;la! You may sit anywhere you like and have whatever you want.&rdquo; It was the soft landing I needed and the beginning of a beautiful friendship between me and the Green Caf&eacute;.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Green Caf&eacute; remains my sanctuary in the big and sometimes crazy city of Lisbon. I cannot believe I am calling Lisbon a crazy city being straight off the boat from NYC. However, regardless of the location, establishing yourself in a new place where you don&rsquo;t speak the language can be overwhelming at times. When my Lisbon life beats me up a little, a visit to the Green Caf&eacute; cures what ails me, especially on my self-mandated weekend trips.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lisbon Loves