My Experience Trying to Use Warm and Cool Undertones to Choose Lipstick Shades

<p>When I was a teenager, I used to choose lipstick shades based on how much I liked the way they looked in the tube. If I was looking at a display of lipsticks at a store, my eye was always drawn to the bright, vivid pinks, so those were the shades I bought, without thinking about whether those were actually the most flattering shades for my face. As a result, I owned a lot of overly bright lipsticks.</p> <p>At some point in my twenties, I realized that I really needed a better strategy for choosing lipstick colors that would actually look good on my face, so I went to my trusty friend Google for advice, and I got a lot of articles back about cool and warm undertones. Most of them basically claimed that learning to identify undertones is THE secret to always making good lipstick choices, that any lipstick with the same undertone as your skin will always look good, and that the only possible explanation for a lipstick&nbsp;<em>not&nbsp;</em>looking good is that it doesn&rsquo;t match your skin&rsquo;s undertone.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>