How to pick your first Linux distribution

<p>If you search &ldquo;best linux distro for beginners&rdquo; on your search engine of choice, there&rsquo;ll be no shortage of forum posts, blogs, videos, and other such media touting to have the definitive list on what the best Linux-based operating system for newcomers is in a given year. &ldquo;Top 10 Linux Distros for Beginners in 2023,&rdquo; read the headlines, &ldquo;Best Linux Distros for Gamers,&rdquo; read some more. Ironically, in my opinion, this plethora of diverging and disagreed lists meant to ease newbies into the Linux world can likely have just as much of a disorienting effect on prospective Linux users as the reason they made this search to begin with.</p> <p><img alt="Brave search results for “ best linux distro for beginners,” showing many similar-looking search results" src="*RtibfvnJQWv2FSjTDSbnIA.png" style="height:349px; width:700px" /></p> <p>The choice of which article to pick can be just as intimidating as choosing the OS itself</p> <p>In this article, I&rsquo;d like to take a different approach. Each user is different, and so too is each&nbsp;<em>new</em>&nbsp;user, so instead of declaring which distribution is the best, most incredible, most easy-to-use option for you, I&rsquo;d like to give you a general guide on how to filter out the noise, how to avoid what you don&rsquo;t want, and most importantly, how to find what you&rsquo;re looking for.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>