How to Link Multiple Docker Compose Files
<p>Are you managing a complex application with multiple services that need to be orchestrated using Docker Compose? If so, you might find yourself juggling several Compose files to manage them all. Fortunately, there is a solution: by extending multiple docker-compose files using .env technique or calling multiple configuration files with docker-compose command you can link them together in just one action.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="*hs2ONWfqbW1JwwFNv0jtzg.png" style="height:284px; width:700px" /></p>
<h1><strong>Possibilities</strong> and summary of actions</h1>
<p>Back in 2019, when Docker Compose version 2 was still in use, <a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">I suggested a way to manage complex and inherited Docker Compose structures in response to a question about importing one Docker Compose file into another</a>. This opened up a lot of possibilities and best practices for managing Docker Compose configurations in a modular way. However, for those working with legacy projects or in situations where this approach isn’t possible, I’ll discuss how to make it work.</p>
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