What linguistics reveals about the logic of emotions.

<p>Diminutives belong to the&nbsp;<strong>emotive dimension&nbsp;</strong>of language, which contrasts with its&nbsp;<strong>rational aspect &mdash;&nbsp;</strong>or what Mr. Spock would call the&nbsp;<strong>logical aspect&nbsp;</strong>of language</p> <p>So &hellip; because the Dad has a warm fuzzy feeling towards the Bernese mountain dog, he refers to him as&nbsp;<em>&quot;doggy&rdquo;</em>. This allows him to express that emotion. It does not mean that he thinks the dog is small. He is simply expressing an emotion&mdash;in this case, the emotion of a warm, fuzzy feeling towards the dog.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@martina.wiltschko/what-linguistics-reveals-about-the-logic-of-emotions-0a8341175fe6"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>