Racism Wet like Paint

<p>As you may already know, Black horror films are coming out back to back. And these just aren&rsquo;t your typical slasher films casting Black folks for diversity and inclusion. The renaissance of Black horror that we are witnessing is addressing the Black horror aesthetic. What I mean by this is that the Black horror that we are currently witnessing is intentional like never before.</p> <p>The Black horror aesthetic is an artistic approach that is embraced by Black artists and their non-Black allies who reimagine the horror landscape with themes of struggles against racism and filling in gaps of Black history. The guiding principle is to exist in these stories as people with agency, capable of heroism &mdash; instead of just being a sacrificial Negro, or any other trope for that matter.</p> <p><a href="https://deannapittmannn.medium.com/racism-wet-like-paint-97dde413c317"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Paint