Lighting The Face — tutorial for models, actors, selfies & fine art portraits

<p>Thousands and thousands of paintings, and 10 million photos later, we know PRECISELY the kind of lighting that best appeals to the human eye. Become conscious and aware of the lighting on the face, for you as a model, a painter, or a photographer to deliver maximum beauty and allure to professionally captivating images.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m a professional headshot and portrait photographer in Dallas, TX with over 20 years experience. I photograph people from children, to models, to families, to corporate executives. Being aware of the lighting on the face is core to my profession.</p> <blockquote> <p>Note: I&rsquo;ve taken a sample of images straight off of Pinterest, purely for tutorial purposes and I don&rsquo;t own copyright on any of them.</p> </blockquote> <p>We humans instinctively respond to very specific kinds of lighting, but unless you&rsquo;re and artist, you probably do it unconsciously. This article is here to serve you as a photographer or as a subject to a photographer in creating the kinds of photos that deliver maximum happiness.</p> <p>When you are aware and consciously crafting the light, you can dial in the results you want with consistency, resulting in images that are a success after success.</p> <p>So let&rsquo;s go over the most common ways to light the face, with my personal opinions added from decades of protessional experience to IMPROVE your images, either as a model, a portrait subject, a commercial art director, painter, or artist / photographer.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lighting face