How is the life in Buenos Aires with Covid 19?

<p>Is difficult to give a conclusion now a days. We are all desesperated of loosing jobs, prevent getting sick, and concentrate in our economy and family.</p> <p>Seems to be that there are countries that obey the rules of the WHO, others not. Seems to be that there are countries wich people obey the rules of their authorities, others not. Seems to be that some people work more (tech ) and some people work less (tourism). Seems that some governments give help to people and some others not.</p> <p>What we know is that the world change and YES we will have the vaccine in one moment but we will also have a trauma.</p> <p>Buenos Aires is a big city with european style. Argentina is dealing with a weak economy before covid and of course in the next months, after quarantine, we will find the consequences. Many stores closed. Unemployement. Anguish. Problems.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buenos Aires