<p>LiDAR vs RADAR is an interesting topic, especially after recently in Feb Tesla has announced to remove RADAR mainly because of accuracy and signl/noise issue. Tesla CEO also announced not to use LiDAR because of its high cost.&nbsp;</p> <p>Regarding RADAR, Musk shared in June of last year after Tesla stopped using its radar: &ldquo;The probability of safety will be higher with pure vision than vision+radar, not lower. Vision has become so good that radar actually reduces signal/noise.&rdquo; However, the CEO also added that Tesla might still use radar if it had a &ldquo;very high resolution radar&rdquo;: A very high resolution radar would be better than pure vision, but such a radar does not exist. I mean vision with high res radar would be better than pure vision.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Tags: LiDAR Radar