Why do geologists lick rocks?

<p>Why do geologists lick stones? If you are wondering the answer to this question, this news is for you. By licking stones, geologists are not only looking for fossil bones, they are also unlocking the secrets of the past. In this article, you will learn how the strange habit of geologists licking stones came about, what it does, and how it is practiced.</p> <p>When looking for fossil bones, geologists sometimes lick rocks to see if what they find is bone. This is based on the fact that fossil bones tend to stick to your tongue, but other rocks do not. This test is often used by geologist and paleontologist Dr. Randall Irmis. Irmis works at the Utah Museum of Natural History and studies rock layers from the late Triassic period. Irmis says this test helps him distinguish fossil bones from petrified wood or roots.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@xaliq.quliyev03/why-do-geologists-lick-rocks-46c356313925"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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