Part 1 — Liberation is Here and Now

<p>When our heart is full and content, and when we are not clinging onto anything with our thoughts-words-and-deeds, when there is no attachment to the models of right and wrong, there is perfect peace, and that is liberation.</p> <p>When our heart is malcontent, when we are clinging on to the hurt and injustices against us, the he saids and she saids, the many impurities of kama, krodha, moha, lobha, madha, matsarya, when we are agitated like the waves of a turbulent sea, we slip out of this liberation.</p> <p>One moment we are liberated, the next moment we are not.<br /> One moment we are liberated, the next moment we are tied.<br /> We slip in and out of this liberation.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Liberation