Autonomous Driving Technology, Liabilities and Insurance

<p>I think we should be taking a different approach to this self-driving feature; otherwise these manufacturers and the vehicle owners will be up to their necks in lawsuits, no matter how good the technologies are.</p> <p>Firstly, is the capability to drive autonomously a feature of the vehicle, like the drivetrain or the seat belts or the entertainment system? The answer should be No, because, well, give me a few moments&hellip; Historically the automobile came from the factory without a driver. It was assumed that a human would drive it, as much as a rider controls a horse or driver controls the horse-drawn carriage. Now we are trying to replicate the driver with an aggregation of a silicon brain, sensors, and actuators. And because it is an attempt to replace the human, it should be looked at as something totally separate from the vehicle itself, even if it is at this time resident in the vehicle machinery and rolls off the same manufacturer&rsquo;s (software) assembly line. And by the way, having a separate humanoid robot actually driving a dumb vehicle for the owner is still a bit into the future, although maybe not that much into the future .</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>