Uncovering LGBTQ Artefacts

<p>Sometimes you only have to look at an object to get a feeling that there&rsquo;s an LGBTQ story just waiting to be uncovered. You gaze at the object longingly, hoping for the story to jump out at you. You examine the label forensically, scouring the limited interpretation text for a little clue to connect the dots, but there&rsquo;s nothing in the date, maker, medium info that reveals anything more than what you can see in front of you. When this happens to me, I think of it as my &lsquo;gallery gay-dar&rsquo; pinging telling me there&rsquo;s something about a piece that bears closer scrutiny. I&rsquo;ll admit, the queer spidey-sense is not always 100% accurate, more of a &lsquo;please-be-gay-dar&rsquo; at times, but as starting points go, it&rsquo;s better than nothing.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s take a look at Canova&rsquo;s Theseus and the Minotaur statue at the V&amp;A. It&rsquo;s one of those pieces I come back to again and again, enchanted by the way the artist transforms marble into flesh.</p> <p><a href="https://forartsake-uk.medium.com/uncovering-lgbtq-artefacts-fb65758d7507"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>