The Lehman Trilogy in Chicago

<p>Last night we saw a wonderful performance of The Lehman Trilogy performed by Timeline Theatre here in Chicago. The play (originally written in Italian by Stefano Massini) tells the story of the Lehman brothers&rsquo; rise and fall, but it&rsquo;s also the history of banking, investment, and finance in America.</p> <p>We were out with my youngest brother and his wife, and they treated us to dinner first, at Rosebud Steakhouse on Walton. On the way back from washing my hands (because of course, I stopped at Bloomingdales before dinner), I noticed a man who looked familiar. Couldn&rsquo;t place him &mdash; maybe we saw him in a movie or something?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>