Unraveling a Legacy of Dreams and Despair

<p>How did my mother walk? What was the sound of her voice, the feel of her hands? Even her smell, coffee and Jergen&rsquo;s lotion, has drifted away. When I close my eyes and think of her, all I see are a few old photos.</p> <p>But yet, I lived with her for nearly eighteen years. Though we were not close, emotionally or physically, we visited each other occasionally until her last ten years before she died. That&rsquo;s when I tried to talk to her about my childhood. It did not go well.</p> <p>At that time, my father had nearly died and now lived with me. Mom was still in Alaska, but she called nearly every day.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-memoirist/unraveling-a-legacy-of-dreams-and-despair-66884b051703"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Legacy Dreams