Responding to Lee Drutman’s “More Parties, Better Parties”

<p>Premise 1:<strong>&nbsp;Political parties are the central institutions of modern representative democracy.</strong>&nbsp;We cannot have effective, robust democracy without effective, robust political parties. A healthy democracy depends on healthy parties.</p> <p>Premise 2:&nbsp;<strong>A key reason democracy is failing in the United States is because our two-party system is failing</strong>. Our parties are not healthy or robust or effective institutions. Thus, democracy reform must focus on improving the health of our political parties.</p> <p>Premise 3:&nbsp;<strong>The US two-party system no longer works because the parties are too polarized and do not face adequate competition in most places</strong>. One of our two parties has been captured by authoritarian extremists. In order to rehabilitate our party system, we need to make space for new and better political parties to emerge. The two-party system will not rehabilitate on its own.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lee Drutmans