Why I’m not leaving San Francisco

<p>Among the reasons people give are&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@ivyxvine/why-im-leaving-san-francisco-ff7b799473ea" rel="noopener">living costs</a>,&nbsp;<a href="https://transgirltales.medium.com/san-francisco-4229102792c7" rel="noopener">rich people</a>, and&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@TebbaVonMathenstien/f-you-san-francisco-im-going-home-327b527eeca4" rel="noopener">the noise</a>, to name a few. The pandemic also inspired the rise of remote work culture, which, in turn, led Austin, Boulder, Missoula, Seattle, and countless other locales to see an influx of workers from San Francisco. Then of course there&rsquo;s the recent &ldquo;doom loop&rdquo; stories.</p> <p>So why am I staying?</p> <p>Climate is my dealbreaker. My first winter in SF, I heard people use a term that was alien to me: &ldquo;Going to the snow,&rdquo; by which they meant skiing. It was an odd locution to me, since I had always lived in places where the snow had come to me.</p> <p><a href="https://thebolditalic.com/why-im-not-leaving-san-francisco-4163b7d418e2"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: LED Austin