Jack Must Leave
<p>Jack slammed the door and sat against it. He heard his father shouting up the stairs, “You have no future here! You aren’t my son!”</p>
<p>Coming out hadn’t gone well. He’d known it wouldn’t. He heard stamping on the stairs. His door shook. The handle rattled up and down. “Pack your stuff. You’re leaving.”</p>
<p>Jack wiped tears from his cheeks. “I’m going. Give me a minute,” he said, his voice betraying how upset he was.</p>
<p>Fifteen minutes later, t-shirts and boxers stuffed into his gym bag, Jack walked past his Dad who was watching TV. A glare for goodbye.</p>
<p>This drabble (a short story of exactly 100 words) is written in response to this prompt:</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/fiction-shorts/jack-must-leave-9b86e692ce59"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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