Learning the city through its design code: Paris

<p>It&rsquo;s been more than a year since I landed at Charles de Gaulle airport, a huge brutalist concrete jungle that hardly brings you an idea you&rsquo;re in the city called&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;the city of love&rdquo;</em>.</p> <p>Paris&rsquo; reputation is an absolutely extraordinary case &mdash; is there any other city in the world that has such a well-known&nbsp;<strong>symbol</strong>&nbsp;as the Eiffel Tower or such a&nbsp;<strong>strong myth</strong>&nbsp;around it filled with croissants, love, and romance? You may name New York or London but to me, Paris is what everyone has heard of first. Still, thousands of people are trying to copy the mythical Parisian fashion style and&nbsp;<em>oh l&agrave; l&agrave;</em>, la vie est belle spirit.</p> <p><a href="https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/learning-the-city-through-its-design-code-paris-5ea2f70a1dfc"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Learning City