Azure Databricks A-Z Complete Guide | Azure Dp 203 Databricks Learning Material

<p>This article will provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of Azure Databricks, its architecture, cluster management, notebook usage, data access, secrets management, and securing access to Delta Lake, empowering them to make the most of this powerful platform for their data-related tasks.</p> <h2>Overview</h2> <ol> <li>Databricks Overview</li> <li>Azure Databricks Architecture</li> <li>Azure Databricks Cluster and Their Types</li> <li>Azure Databricks Cluster Configurations &amp; Policy.</li> <li>Azure Databricks Cluster Pool</li> <li>Azure Databricks Notebook</li> <li>Databricks Magic Command</li> <li>Databricks Utility</li> <li>Accessing Azure Delta Lake from Azure Databricks</li> <li>Secure Accessing to Azure Delta Lake.</li> </ol> <h1>Databricks Overview</h1> <p><img alt="" src="*ROVyIbSiipWEJtw009uyGQ.png" style="height:351px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Azure Databricks is a powerful and fully managed analytics and machine learning service provided by azure, that is designed for big data processing and advanced analytics. It combines the capabilities of Apache Spark and a collaborative environment for data science, making it a preferred choice for data engineers, data scientists, and analysts.<br /> Seamless integration with various Azure services, including Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and more, for end-to-end data pipelines.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>