Why I am learning Mandarin in 2024

<p>In Malaysia, language is often politicised, and among the Chinese diaspora, it is no different. Malaysian Chinese folks are divided into &ldquo;English-educated*&rdquo; and &ldquo;Chinese-educated&rdquo; groups.</p> <p>(* English-educated can also mean that you went to a Malaysian national school, where the main language medium is Bahasa Malaysia. Many urban schools, however, have some classes in English. It&rsquo;s confusing, I know, and it confuses us Malaysians too because they keep changing which subjects will be taught in English. Yes, this is why many Malaysians, especially if they are lucky enough&hellip;</p> <p><a href="https://elizabethtaiwrites.medium.com/why-i-am-learning-mandarin-in-2024-55eb8aa9a1eb"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>