Why is statistics important in Data Science, Machine learning, and Analytics

<p>In this article, I will attempt to explain why I believe it is essential for data science and machine learning enthusiasts to possess a deeper understanding of statistics. Looking deeper statistics is a form of mathematical analysis that employs multiple quantitative models to produce experimental data or empirical research. Collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data are all elements of applied mathematics. The mathematical foundations of statistics are linear algebra, differential and integral calculus, and probability theory.</p> <p>I studied a portion of statistics when completing my python data science qualification, but only later realized that statistics 101 is insufficient. Consequently, I believe that any data scientist worth his or her salt should have a deeper understanding of statistics and be proficient in either &ldquo;R&rdquo; or Python.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/why-is-statistics-important-in-data-science-machine-learning-and-analytics-92b4a410f686"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>