A fantastic tip to make learning Chinese easy & fun!

<p>Have you tried learning Mandarin from any other language besides English? While pinyin is the defacto phonetic system for foreigners to start speaking Mandarin fast, Hindi and other native Indian languages ranging from Tamil, Bengali, Malayalam and Marathi all make learning Mandarin pronunciations easy.</p> <p>Learning Mandarin from Indian language is easy because, Indian&rsquo;s in 3000 B. C. were able to map the mouth into five varga&rsquo;s or groups depending on the various sounds humans could make. These five varga&rsquo;s were based on the Brahmi language from which most Indian languages have originated. Brahmi is the modern name for a writing system of ancient South Asia and includes writing some of the earliest forms of Sanskrit too.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@InchinCloser/a-fantastic-tip-to-make-learning-chinese-easy-fun-f41acd8cf3ed"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>