Gaussian Discriminant Analysis an example of Generative Learning Algorithms

<p>Algorithms that model p(y|x) directly from the training set are called&nbsp;<strong>discriminative algorithms</strong>.<br /> There can be a different approach to the same problem, consider the same binary classification problem where we want learn to distinguish between two classes, class A (y=1) and class B (y=0) based on some features. Now we take all the examples of label A and try to learn the features and build a model for class A. Then we take all the examples labeled B and try to learn it&rsquo;s features and build a separate model for class B. Finally to classify a new element, we match it against each model and see which one fits better (generate high value for probability). In this approach we try to model p(x|y) and p(y) as oppose to p(y|x) we did earlier, it&rsquo;s called&nbsp;<strong>Generative Learning Algorithms</strong>.<br /> Once we learn the model p(y) and p(x|y) using training set, we use Bayes Rule to derive the p(y|x) as</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>