Lessons Learned from Ineffective Leaders — part 2:

<p>Ifthis is the first &ldquo;lessons learned&rdquo; of mine you land on, I recommend starting with &ldquo;lessons learned from&nbsp;<em>great</em>&nbsp;leaders&nbsp;<a href="https://chibban.medium.com/lessons-learned-from-great-leaders-3a9cc2c7028a" rel="noopener">parts 1</a>&rdquo;, and&nbsp;<a href="https://chibban.medium.com/lessons-learned-from-great-leaders-part-2-eed997a00a93" rel="noopener">part 2</a>, and&nbsp;<a href="https://chibban.medium.com/lessons-learned-from-horrible-leaders-part-1-98387d1e39b" rel="noopener">Lessons learned from&nbsp;<em>Ineffective&nbsp;</em>leaders</a>.</p> <p>Now, what is there to learn from bad leaders? &mdash; a lot, actually.</p> <blockquote> <p>Just as observing and analyzing how great leaders behave, inspire and make us want to follow them, observing and analyzing weak leadership teaches us what to avoid doing.</p> </blockquote> <p>I am genuinely thankful to all leaders and managers who offered teachable moments. Without weak leaders/managers and those moments, I could have easily made the same mistakes or, conversely, it would have taken me that much more time to learn what works and what doesn&rsquo;t.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s jump to it:</p> <h2>Lesson nine</h2> <p><strong>Software developers&nbsp;</strong>(I&rsquo;d extend this to all functions)&nbsp;<strong>don&rsquo;t do well without a team</strong>&nbsp;(aka as singletons) &mdash; they work better in a team and they are happier on teams.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s common knowledge that companies group software developers into teams. Even when I was trained to be a software engineer in the Israeli army, on the second part of a 6 month programming course they started grouping us for our multi-day simulation tests. First, into groups of 3 and later into groups of 7. This was designed to demonstrate that teamwork and collaboration are skills that are key to developing during your professional training. I always took the construct of a team for granted and could easily come up with reasons for that.</p> <p><a href="https://chibban.medium.com/lessons-learned-from-ineffective-leaders-part-2-d681f9bb8b38"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>