Things I’ve Learned

<p>Last August, amidst a global pandemic, I packed my life into a suitcase and checked-it in onboard an EasyJet flight to Athens. I went to see what was happening at the Mediterranean border, the gateway to Europe for millions of asylum seekers. I chose Greece because I&rsquo;d seen pictures of the filth that characterised Moria camp, Lesvos, but in the end it was Athens I flew to. I didn&rsquo;t know whether I could handle the misery of the islands.</p> <p>The first flat I lived in was off Victoria Square, in the centre of Athens. Platia Viktorias is notorious for its makeshift migrant population; back in August, an odd two hundred people were sleeping rough on its dirty greens. This is the first bit of Athens that I saw. I got off the Metro, suitcase in one hand and guitar in other, and found myself amidst a mildly apocalyptic landscape. Teenage girls were breastfeeding babies next to blackened bicycle racks. Little brown boys were chasing each other round the handrails. Around the square are burger bars and souvlaki stations, where white folk where grabbing a bite to eat whilst little Afghan kids sold drugs.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Learned