What Happens In A Psilocybin Leadership Workshop

<p>Hello there, psychonauts of the corporate cosmos!</p> <p>Imagine this: you and your team, armed with curiosity and an appetite for self-development, stepping into a realm where leadership gets a psychedelic makeover.</p> <p>A psychedelic leadership workshop can be a mind-bending rollercoaster of, insights, and growth supported by legal psilocybin truffles!</p> <p>But what exactly happens during a psychedelic retreat or workshop?</p> <h1>A Prelude to Psychedelia:</h1> <p>You&rsquo;re browsing through Medium and suddenly, this article catches your eye. You are intrigued by the promise of a psychedelic workshop that defies the ordinary.</p> <p>Your share the idea with your colleagues and the team&rsquo;s eyes widen, and curiosity piques, as you envision a journey where professional prowess meets psilocybin-infused enlightenment. Well, hold your horses:</p> <p><strong>Before the psychedelic symphony, we have to dive deep into preparation.</strong></p> <p>Weeks before your cosmic voyage, we&rsquo;re hopping on virtual calls (or meeting in person) to tune into your and your teams&rsquo; wavelength, helping you set intentions, and prepare to make the most out of the integration stage.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/cabbanis/what-happens-in-a-psilocybin-leadership-workshop-91c5f608c503"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>