Annual Check-in for Leaders Part 3 — How Is the Leadership Team Doing?

<p>When was the last time you paused to survey how things were going? We&rsquo;ve crafted a three-part leadership-level survey to help reflect on your team, the company, yourself, and what you&rsquo;d like to see more of. Give yourself a block of time to journal or work through these questions. Then, take some time to read back through your responses. Where do you notice where you might need support?</p> <p>In Part 3, we&rsquo;re sharing some impactful questions to help you reflect on the question: &ldquo;How is the leadership team doing?&rdquo;</p> <h2><em>Questions for the Leadership Team</em></h2> <p><em>Describe the qualities of your leadership team.</em></p> <ul> <li>If you were to describe your team to another leader, what are the top qualities you&rsquo;d name? Do any metaphors come to mind for your team?</li> <li>In what ways is this group a &ldquo;team&rdquo;? In what ways is the group a collection of individuals?</li> <li>If this group were to become more of a &ldquo;team,&rdquo; what would be different, and what would be the benefits?</li> <li>How well does this team listen to one another?</li> <li>How well does this team build on the ideas and perspectives of others?</li> <li>How do we tend to make important or strategic decisions? If we were to improve, what would we be doing differently?</li> <li>What kinds of conversations or decisions does this team find difficult or challenging? What would we like to improve here that would be compelling to all and the business?</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>