Do you want to develop your Leadership talent? What is inaction costing CEOs?

<p>Learning is something that is very important to me, one of my core values, and so I probably do more than my fair share of professional and personal development programs. What I find the biggest challenge is not the program, which is typically excellent, it is the follow-up. The implementation when I get back into &lsquo;real&rsquo; life.</p> <p>The learning, doing the reading, listening to great speakers is wonderful, but if you do not do the follow-up work, if you do not act, you do not get the outcome you are looking for.</p> <p>Have you ever done this? Gone to a course or attended some training, or gone to listen to a great speaker, and it has been amazing? In the moment you get the insights and ideas, and inspiration, but you do not have the follow through?</p> <p>So, you miss out on all of the great benefits, outcomes, progress, achievements, and joy from moving towards the thing that you identified was important to you?</p> <p>What I notice when I am working with organisations is this exact pattern is in play.</p> <p>For example, I have many people who talk to me about some of the challenges that they are experiencing in their organisation. It may be around particular teams or members of teams. It might be about the leadership talent pipeline and bench strength. It might be about how they get from where they are, to where they want to be at the next level. So, they have some sense of what they would like to be different, how they would like the future to be, and they talk about it and they consider the options.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>