Leadership mantra: Let your people grow

<h1>And the journey begins&hellip;</h1> <p>My journey as a Technology manager started in November 2022. In this article, I want to share my insights that might help you if you are also in this new role or if you have to lead other people.</p> <h1>You can learn from mistakes&hellip;</h1> <p>It is a very popular expression you can find in many coaching and professional books &ldquo;Mistakes are good. Do not be afraid to make mistakes.&rdquo;. Sounds simple and easy to apply but in fact people are scared of mistakes for many reasons. Some &mdash; because of a toxic environment, others &mdash; because of perfectionism, etc.</p> <p>If you are as lucky as me and work in a great welcoming environment, where your colleagues are happy to help you learn from your mistakes and do not play &ldquo;blaming games&rdquo;, you will learn fast and easily.</p> <p>What if your situation is different? If you are open to discussing your challenges with strangers, I would suggest considering a coaching session. In case when coach sessions fall outside your budget, you might want to explore self-therapy. I can recommend a helpful book:&nbsp;<strong><em>Karen Horney&rsquo;s &lsquo;Self-Analysis&rsquo;.</em></strong>&nbsp;This book offers insights on self-analysis, changing your mindset, and stabilizing your emotions. While it is not a miracle solution, it can certainly provide you with a deeper understanding of your own consciousness.</p> <h1>Build a team, not a family&hellip;</h1> <p>I have come across this situation a couple of times and heard it more than once: &lsquo;Oh, but we are such a nice team, like a family.&rsquo; What is the issue, you may ask? It does sound nice when team members feel safe and comfortable with each other, sharing personal matters and even secrets. I personally always aim to have a supportive and warm environment. However, this should not overshadow the fact that you are in professional relationships, and your professional bonds must be stronger than any other emotions. If you have mutual respect and can rely on one another in your professional fields, everything else &mdash; is just a matter of your soft skills and communication abilities.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/justeattakeaway-tech/leadership-mantra-let-your-people-grow-5d1d995c393c"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>