Where do you sit on the Leadership Impact spectrum? Are you Invaluable?

<p>Did you know that less than 15% of the population are high-performing?</p> <p>And that high performers spend at least 65% of their work effort and time on the things that have high impact and are not urgent?</p> <p>⮞ Are your leaders stressed and working long hours?<br /> ⮞ Are your leaders focused on the urgent rather than the strategic?<br /> ⮞ Are you concerned you&rsquo;re not offering enough support to your leaders?<br /> ⮞ Are you worried you haven&rsquo;t got the right people in leadership roles?<br /> ⮞ Do you want your leaders to be engaged and high-performing?</p> <p>Most people do not make the impact, have the influence or create the difference they intend to in their leadership roles. This applies just as much to experienced executives as to early leaders. It&rsquo;s easy to get focused on the urgent and caught in a reactive cycle where you&rsquo;re playing catchup, and don&rsquo;t have the time or opportunity to really lead.</p> <p>Through this program, you will learn how to do the right things, at the right time, in the right way, and set yourself up to have more leadership impact for the next 90 days.</p> <p>When working with CEO&rsquo;s and their teams I find that they get caught up in the basics, the fundamentals. And this stops them from stepping into their leadership where they can flourish.</p> <p>I commonly see the following factors missing from leadership practice:</p> <p><a href="https://staceyashley.medium.com/where-do-you-sit-on-the-leadership-impact-spectrum-are-you-invaluable-b9f27be02c42"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>