Why Your Mind Reading Skill Is A Treacherous Leadership Game

<p>Picture this: you&rsquo;re a freshly minted manager, raring to tackle your new leadership role.</p> <p>The world is your oyster, and you&rsquo;re eager to revolutionize your team&rsquo;s dynamics using your secret weapon &mdash; mind reading.</p> <p><strong><em>What could possibly go wrong?</em></strong></p> <p>Well, as it turns out, quite a lot. Let&rsquo;s explore why ditching your amateur psychic routine and embracing a more grounded approach can lead you to leadership success.</p> <h1>What Most People Do</h1> <p>Let me paint a vivid picture for you. You&rsquo;re in a meeting, and Joe from Accounting looks uncomfortable.</p> <p><strong>He&rsquo;s fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, and seems deep in thought.</strong></p> <p>As the leaderboard of mind readers, you assume Joe probably has a problem with the new project, doesn&rsquo;t like your proposal, or thinks the team isn&rsquo;t up to snuff.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@philrobertsmedia/why-your-mind-reading-skill-is-a-treacherous-leadership-game-c37069018476"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>