Unveiling the Layers of Reunion

<p>We usually think of the word &ldquo;reunion&rdquo; to refer to gatherings of groups of people. The word comes from the Latin &ldquo;unio&rdquo; meaning &ldquo;oneness&rdquo;. Gatherings of groups of people for reunions centers around the oneness of shared history. It could be having attended the same school, worked at the same job, been in an organization, shared an experience or all in the same family.</p> <p>Reunions don&rsquo;t have to be groups of people or even any other people directly. The personal journey I&rsquo;ve found myself on these past months feels very much like a reunion with my more authentic self.</p> <p>At the root of the journey is a pilgrimage to the heart of spiritual traditions. Unconditional love or &lsquo;agape&rsquo; forms the base the heart uses to build a bridge spanning time, distance and events to be explored.</p> <p>Symbolically, the Tree of Life represents shared history when paths cross those of others. The branches of the tree demonstrates the interconnectedness of all life: past and present.</p> <p>As I explore my own story, I find the analogy of the tree apt. The various branches of my story intertwines with others who have been in my life. Tree branches grow in various directions and thicknesses without any particular order, much like a life journey.</p> <p>Many people find attending group reunions stressful. They feel a desire to connect with their past and catch up but feel dread on how those they connect with will react. I find some of that on my own journey. There are things I&rsquo;ve never shed much light or attention on that need to have a reunion with my attention. Each quest has brought on consider trepidation.</p> <p><a href="https://shadowspublishing.medium.com/unveiling-the-layers-of-reunion-fb132aecd045"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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