<p>School has resumed and i&rsquo;m reminded once again of how fast time flies. A month ago, I was playing charades with my cousins late into the night, and now I&rsquo;m staring at my black and white, wondering who the devil incarnate was that told me law could make me millions. I remember telling my mum that I wasn&rsquo;t going to come home for christmas, after she told me that my cousins were coming to visit us from Abuja. The last time I saw them was in primary six, and we hadn&rsquo;t had any form of communication since then, so I felt a bit worried that we weren&rsquo;t going to get along. I am not much of a social person and I didn&rsquo;t want to risk making them uncomfortable, so I decided to stay back in school. But Sapa&nbsp;had&nbsp;other&nbsp;plans&nbsp;for&nbsp;me. I stayed in school for a week after the completion of my exams. It was like things decided to skyrocket because I said I wasn&rsquo;t going to go home. It was survival of the fittest, and guess who came out perfectly fit. Yeah,&nbsp;not&nbsp;me. Anyway, I went back crying like the prodigal&nbsp;daughter, and my mum welcomed me with open arms while laughing in my face.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Law Student