Law School Tip: How to Improve Your Handwriting in 5 Simple Ways

<p>In Philippine law schools, students are expected not just to answer their exams well. They need to WRITE them too in, at least, a readable format.</p> <p>And believe it or don&rsquo;t, handwriting is one of the major factors that determine a Filipino barrister&rsquo;s chance of passing the bar.</p> <p>Not sure with other legal education systems, but from where I come from, we still do it the old-fashioned way in answering the bar exams.</p> <p>We still do it the handwritten way.</p> <p>This trend still stands and I feel like this won&rsquo;t change anytime soon.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Law Schools